过渡寄养 & 支持服务

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The Department of Human 服务 has many supportive services available to assist youth preparing to transition from the foster care system or young adults in foster care eligible for the emancipated youth program.


The 独立生活计划 [ILP] is a federally funded program that provides services to assist eligible youth and young adults up to age 21 in making a successful transition from foster care to independent living. The goal of the program is to enable youth to achieve self-sufficiency prior to exiting the foster care system by providing an independent living skills assessment, assistance with developing a written 过渡独立生活计划 (TILP), collaborating with caregivers and community partners to provide life-skills 培训 and opportunities for increased responsibility in the lives of each youth/young adult.


  • 过渡独立生活计划
  • 教育计划
  • 大学和经济援助申请
  • 职业规划,工作线索,简历
  • 解放青年过渡性住房
  • 解放会议和特殊生活技能讲习班
  • 运输援助
  • 资源目录
  • 加州青年联络(CYC)简介
  • 参与ILP的激励措施
  • 指导
  • 协助办理出生证明, 社会保障卡, 加州身份证及储蓄帐户
  • 查看您的儿童福利案件档案

ILP提供活动,如电脑营(如有资金), a高中毕业庆祝晚宴, CSUB的暑期生活技能课程, 独立的城市, 克恩县CYC会议/活动, 全州青年会, 全州ILP/青少年会议, 以及各种ILP工作坊.

除了, ILP in partnership with the Kern High School District’s Career Resource Department, 提供生活技能课程. 这些课程分为两级. Tier-I classes are for 16-17 yr olds who are not yet seniors and will provide foundational life skills information coupled with a job shadow/service learning experience as an introduction to 就业. Tier-II classes are for seniors on up to age 21 and will build on Tier-I information by providing more advanced instruction. The focus will be on life after exiting the foster care system focusing on post-secondary education, 培训, 以及就业技能. Youth completing Tier-II can be placed at a worksite and receive up to 100 hours of paid work experience (depending on available funding).


Eligible foster youth can voluntarily remain in foster care after the age of 18 as Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs) until age 21. nmd必须签署一项协议, 住在经批准的地方, 每月与社工/感化主任会面, attend court hearings or administrative reviews every 6 months and agree to meet one or more of the following requirements: completing high school or equivalent program (i.e. GED); enrolled in college, community college or vocational 培训 program; participating in a program designed to remove barriers to 就业; employed at least 80 hours a month; unable to do one of the previously mentioned requirements because of a medical condition. NMDs can exit and re-enter foster care as needed or until they are no longer eligible.



Building Blocks is a collaborative effort between the Department of Human 服务 (KCDHS), 九龙房屋委员会(房委会), 及圣约社区服务有限公司(圣约). 曾经的寄养青年, 谁是18-21岁, are eligible to apply for this comprehensive on-site program that teaches youth how to pursue educational and 就业 goals, 适应社区, 制定并保持预算, 提高日常生活技能, 实现个人目标. Participating youth will be required to work full or part time and may attend school. Youth who successfully complete the program are provided with a section 8 voucher to assist them with affordable housing in the community.

The housing complex itself is a rehabilitated residential facility in Southwest Bakersfield which can accommodate a maximum of 12 youth, 谁和一个室友合租一套带家具的公寓. 酒店内有洗衣设施, 租金有补贴, 年轻人被允许在那里居住长达24个月.

为了被考虑录取,申请人需要填写一份 过渡性房屋申请从独立生活计划获得.


Kern County Department of Human 服务 has contracted with Covenant Community 服务 Inc. (契约)来管理克恩的THP-Plus计划. CHOICES THP-Plus项目最多可容纳50名参与者, 并让参与者有安全的机会, 在他们发展和接受必要教育的同时保障住房, 就业, 以及独立生活所需的生活技能. To be eligible for this program a youth must be 18-24, and have aged out of the foster care system. THP-Plus提供主机家庭和分散站点模型.

寄宿家庭模式-参与者住在寄宿家庭, 谁已经过圣约的甄别和认证, 最长可达24个月. 参加者可获得租金补贴. 生活津贴, and individualized case management services to assist them with achieving educational, 就业, 以及生活技能目标.

Scattered Sites Model - Participants obtain and live in their own apartment 最长可达24个月. 参加者可获得租金补贴, 生活津贴, and individualized case management services to assist them with achieving educational, 就业, 以及生活技能目标.

为了被考虑录取,申请人需要填写一份 过渡性房屋申请从独立生活计划获得.


There are many 解放青年服务 available through the Kern County 独立生活计划 to emancipated foster youth between the ages of 18 and 21 who were in the foster care system after their 16th birthday. 这些服务使青年能够实现和维持自给自足, give them the ability to live on their own and educate them as to how to deal with the issues and demands independent living can present.

  • 通过分发公共汽车通行证提供交通援助, 或者让符合条件的年轻人获得驾驶执照.
  • Medical insurance is available to emancipated youth through the 加州医保 program until the age of 21. ILP工作者可以提供有关该计划的进一步信息和细节.
  • Youth preparing to emancipate are given the opportunity to apply for CalFresh so that if eligible they exit the Foster Care system with CalFresh in place.


The California Chaffee Grant Program gives up to $5000 in "free money" annually to foster youth and former foster youth for use toward college courses or vocational school 培训. We help participants to complete financial aid and scholarship applications for programs such as this, as well as provide assistance in completing the FAFSA application for college. 图书代金券和/或大学教科书的报销也可以.


Kern County Department of Human 服务 partners with the Kern High School District's Career Resource Department to assist current and former foster youth with 就业 needs. 穿过克恩高中区, 年轻人可以参加像“成功计划”这样的项目, 青少年职业转变(ACT), 和Kern @ Work. These programs provide youth with the life skills 培训 and paid work experience opportunities necessary to prepare for a successful future.


克恩县儿童网络, 与社区伙伴共同努力, created an innovative resource center for foster youth located at 1212 18th Street in downtown Bakersfield. 穿越梦境中心, 青年可以得到教育方面的帮助, 就业, 以及社区资源需求.